Anti-Aging Fall Treatments in Park City, Utah

Fall is Peel Season

In my skincare practice, the end of summer and beginning of fall is always peel season. After a summer of fun in the sun and outdoor adventure, it’s time to get your skin back in good condition. The best time for a peel is when you know you have a few days where you won’t be directly in the sun. I am always astounded at how one peel can change a completion and give your skin back that gorgeous youthful appearance. If you can’t stay out of the sun for a few days or opposed to wearing sunblock, a peel would not be a good treatment for you.

Peeling Away The Damage

Chemical peels are professional treatments that can dramatically improve the appearance and health of skin. They are extraordinarily safe, and have minimal complications. Chemical peels do vary in intensity from superficial to deep. The deeper peels are usually preformed by a doctor but there are many types of peels that Estheticians are allowed to perform.

Build Back Better

These extremely effective procedures take advantage of the body’s ability to repair itself, as well as regenerate healthier and more functional tissue in response to trauma. Biologists call this phenomenon hormesis, and it can be described as the body’s and the skin’s ability to build back better in response to stress.

Give Your Skin A Workout

You can think of a chemical peel as the skin’s version of exercise. When we work out, we stress our muscles. This results in the secretion of lactic acid, and not coincidentally, an ideal ingredient for a chemical peel! When you lift weights in the gym, you create micro-damage to fibers to build a stronger body. With a peel, it’s the same idea, create micro-damage that leads to stronger and more resilient skin.

So Many Benefits

A good chemical peel can induce the production of a more effective barrier, improve the health and function of the epidermis, stimulate the secretion of water by trapping hydrating factors and moisturizing lipids, and activate the synthesis of collagen and connective tissue in the dermis. After an effective chemical peel, skin texture is dramatically improved, appearance of fine lines is reduced, and dark spots are lightened.


Over time and with regular treatments and aftercare products, skin will be conditioned, smooth, and heathy looking. Keep in mind that some people may experience slight redness and the sloughing off of dead skin. Not to worry-these symptoms are part of the healing process, an important element of the chemical peel, and will typically resold in a day or two, leaving behind youthful, soft, baby-smooth skin.

If you want to know more about peels or schedule a consultation, reach out to Kris at KMSKIN in Park City, Utah. KMSKIN Studio opening Fall of 2022.



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