Teenage Acne Facials Park City

I remember what it was like to have acne as a teenager, it sucked. I spent so much time and energy obsessing over my broken out skin and so self conscious that I am certain it effected my studies and my social life.

During the teenage years kids are just beginning to figure out who they are and where they fit in. It’s hard enough without acne. Acne just adds another layer of angst. Kids can be cruel and without the maturity it takes to be tactful and kind, they have the ability to make another kid feel awful.

I can remember my mom taking me to endless Dermatologist appointments in Salt Lake. The doctor would administer some kind of treatment that would burn my face and for a few weeks my skin was a little better and then it would start all over again. I can’t remember how many re-fills of antibiotics I took without ever really working long term and who knows what it did to my immune system over time. I even took Accutane at one point but it was so drying that my palms and the inside of my mouth peeled.

There is one thing I didn’t have growing up with acne, and that’s an Esthetician to guide me. No one ever really examined my skin or cleaned my pores or talked to me about what might be causing my condition. No one ever came up with a solution or a plan. Today, kids are so fortunate because they have this option and it can make all the difference.

I have treated many teenagers in my practice. Most of them have gone to a Dermatologist and have been given a prescription for an antibiotic and a topical cream. I understand that doctors have quotas and time restrictions. They probably give even less attention than when I was a teenager. This is where a knowledgeable Esthetician comes into play.

First of all, an independent Esthetician doesn’t have quotas and unrealistic time restrictions. She will take the time to take a history and ask really important questions that will guide her in determining a plan of action. She will ask about past treatments, meds, diet, homecare and more.

Balancing the skin’s pH is the first step of the treatment plan. So many kids have over used drying cleansers and Benzol Peroxide until there faces are raw. This actually makes acne worse. It’s important in the first few visits to calm down the skin and restore a healthy pH.

Extractions come next. Kids tend to pick at their skin and by doing this they spread nasty bacteria which in turn causes more serious acne and breakouts. It’s important I gently perform extractions using sterile implements and kind words. If a teenager has a lot of pustules, I will work on sections of the face over weeks. I follow up with some LED light designed for acne to calm the inflammation. A detoxifying mask is always part of the treatment.

Home care is as important as the visits to the Esthetician. I have learned that a simple yet effective regime is the key. I like to recommend some of my favorite drug store brands that I know really work. Another benefit of having an Esthetician, at least in my experience, is they can tell the teenager something that you, the parent has been saying FOREVER, and suddenly they hear it and start to follow-through.

At KMSKIN PARK CITY, I offer a series of 5, 45 minute facials, spaced out over 2-3 weeks. Consistency is the key to finally controlling breakouts. I think I get as excited as your teenager when I see the amazing results and the confidence that comes from your child having a clear complexion. It’s definitely team work and it’s so gratifying.

If you have a teenager who needs some direction, I can help. I like to develop a repoire with each teenager to instill trust and then go from there.

Please contact me if you would like to discuss your teenagers skin or just make an appointment and let’s get started.


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